If you are considering to ask for a commission, please read carefully before ordering.

How to order

Contact me using the contact form here or by sending me an email at amberkelpie@gmail.com

Here is how you should write your message :

SUBJECT : PERSONAL COMMISSION + your name/your nickname


  • Your Paypal email + name + social media handle if any (optional)

  • A quick description of your project (ie : I would like to have you design a turtle-like dragon standing on the back of a sea lion in the open sea.

  • A detailed description of your character(s) (I’d rather read through a 2000 words story than a 2 lines description, don’t be shy!), include reference pictures if you have some

  • The chosen medium: traditional (sketch, ink, watercolour) or digital (sketch, illustration)

  • The size and/or resolution you want (ie: A4/5/6, 9x12in, 2000x2000px,…)

  • The background you would like (simple or no background, parchment-like background, …)

  • If you have a deadline, please tell me as it will add an extra fee to put you on top on the waiting list

  • If you feel like adding details or asking questions, I will be glad to read and answer to them

Terms and conditions

Please note that there is often a wait time for commissions and that the completion of your artwork might take a while as I am a perfectionnist and love to add many details to my illustrations. Please be patient, I will still keep you posted on the process!

Orders are for personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes (reproductions, advertising...). If you wish to place a commercial order (book cover, CD/book illustration,...), please specify it (and add COMMERCIAL COMMISSION on the subject) so that I can adapt my quote and add a copyright clause. Book cover starting price is 650€ and will vary depending on complexity. Standard commercial is 50% of the total price and further fees will have to be agreed upon.

Once the sketch is finished, I will present it to you so that we can discuss any adjustments (take the time to do so!) and modifications you wish to make. Once the sketch is validated, I will proceed to the finalization of the illustration and you will only be able to make minor adjustments (addition of a colour, gold, etc...) Major modifications will incur additional fees. Once the order is completed, there will be no refunds or (major) modifications. Small modifications can and will be made if they are reasonnable and possible.

I reserve the right to refuse an order for any reason.

If you cancel an order you will be refunded in full if I haven't started yet (minus paypal fees if any), 75% if the cancellation is after the sketch, 50% after the line art and no refund after the final colouring. I also reserve the right to cancel an order in progress and will proceed to the refund of the order according to its progress (in case of absolute necessity).
​I will not provide a refund if you are unsatisfied with your commission, unless I produced something entirely different that what we agreed on. I always do my best to make sure my artwork matches your vision. If you feel for some reason that your commission is not up to the quality level I am used to, feel free to contact me for further discussions.

I draw with my own style, so if you come to me for an illustration, don't ask me to copy another artist, I won't do it!

I only accept payments via Paypal. Payments are made in EUROS (€) and before I start working. You can choose to pay the full amount in advance or 50% in advance and 50% after the validation of the sketch and the beginning of the painting.

I reserve the right to feature commissions in my portfolio and on my pages (with credits). However, if you do not wish to see your commission appear on my media, do not hesitate to tell me!

You can use the commissionned artwork online as you will receive the rights to the design but I retain rights to the artwork itself. So please, do not remove my signature or edit the artwork in any way. Credit is highly appreciated when posting online.

I will draw


Fantasy creatures (dragons, chimeras,…)


I will not draw

Mecha / heavy armor

Porn of any kind

Ultra realism

Humans (exceptions can be made, so don’t hesitate to ask)


NFT minting is completely forbidden and I will make sure to take action against anyone trying to steal my work for their own interest.

By commissioning me, you agree to the ToS as listed above.

Here are the portals that will now take you to the desired location